苏州太仓纽安琪生物能源有限公司,位于苏州太仓港区,是一家专业从事木质颗粒燃料生产的新能源公司。本公司年产15000吨木质颗粒燃料,产品通过SGS检测,符合DIN51731标准。产品灰份少,热值高,成型好,可代替煤、天然气等石化燃料,属于“可再生清洁能源”,主要用于家庭与工业供暖、发电等。 本公司在离上海中心50公里处的太仓港口区建立了松木猫砂生产分厂,由美国思迈尔特有限公司(SMILE TUNING CORP.)提供技术支持并监制,年产松木类猫砂3000吨。《绿安琪》牌优质环保松木砂有:100%纯新鲜松木砂、活性炭松木砂、绿茶松木砂、中药松木猫砂、玉米松木结团砂、轻质松木砂、天然毛竹猫砂、毛竹结团猫砂等,深受广大用户喜爱。本公司木质类猫砂出口东南亚、欧美国家,销售市场广阔。 Taicang New Energy Co,. Ltd. was located in Jiang Su province of China, is a manufactory which specialed in wood pellets, cat litter production and international trade business. Our products using advanced technology and best facilities. We choose the pine sawdust to making our wood pellet. Becasue, there are lots of advantages compare with traditional fuel as low ash content, high calorific value and good shape. Wood pellet can replace coil and natural gas, it belongs to new bio-energy field heating in famliy or flatment, and provide electric power for a residential area.
SZNAQ offer about 15,000 to 20,000 MT wood pellets per year. August 2007, we established a branch factory in Taicang port district of Suzhou to produce cat litter, which output is 3000 tons every year. SZNAQ made contract with SMILE TUNING CORP. of USA, and get technology support from them. |